Okay, I have a question, how many takes do you think it took to get those awesome food pics you see on various food blogs? Anyone? Anyone? I’ll take a guess, at least 5-10 takes if not way more to get just the right shot. I wonder how many times did they have to try the recipe to get it to look perfect. Well, I have goals to one day have my pics turn out amazing, but for now I am going to keep it real and relatable posting what I have now because that is what this blog is about.

Doesn’t the picture above look good? I had a taste for that vegan sausage and thought it about all day? Now, the first time I made these sausages they came out pretty good and kept their shape. See image below of my very first homemade sausage(recipe from Sweet Potato Soul YouTube). I know it is kinda hard to see the sausage because it’s topped with sauerkraut, beets, carrots, and mustard – I guess all I need is the bun-yum:), but it’s there trust me. Where on the plate is the sausage??

The second run was not quite the same. Now, the flavor was there, but the look was not the business and I ended up with sausage crumble:). Below is the failed sausage eaten with romaine lettuce(very tasty by the way).

I’m sure the 3rd time will be a charm because I think I may have messed up the ratio of liquid to wheat gluten by mistake. I should have known something was wrong when the final mix wasn’t very stiff, but I figured it would thicken up in the steaming process. I am going to keep making them until they are picture perfect, so stay tuned.
I would love to hear from you about some of the mistakes or flops you have had in the kitchen or how many tries did it take for you get the recipe picture perfect. I look forward to reading your stories
Be good to you,
So proud of you. Keep up the good work.
Hi Doreen. Thank you so much for your support:)!!
I am definitely interested in a plant-based diet maybe not all at once but I am interested . I bought the book that you suggested so I’m ready. I thought the Bloc was very well put together the writing was excellent. Great job.
Hello Aaron, thank you for responding:). I hope you enjoy the book as it is pretty good with some simple recipes to start out. I really enjoyed the background she provided it was very helpful.
Having interest is the first step and the book does provide suggestions on different levels of starting a plant-based lifestyle. Also, there is so much information out there for the beginner. The best piece of advice I can give is to have fun with it and think about it as a lifestyle of eating.
Also, thank you for the compliment on the blog – it is truly appreciated.
Be good to you,
Ha Ha! I’ve had many flops, none I kept a pic of so just take my word. Next time a flop happens, you’ve inspired me to take a pic before I devour it. It’s usually the best tasting, yet ugly looking ! So proud of you!
That is so true Sabrina, sometimes the ugliest food taste AWESOME!! Thank you for the support:)!